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$10 000 Giveaway

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Hello Reminters! I'm pleased to announce that the $10 000 Giveaway is NOW up and running on our website. You can enter the competition by visiting our websites menu or by clicking on the following link: In order to access all tasks available, you need to sign in choosing one of five sign-in options.

The competition will run until the end of the year. In the meanwhile, the Remint team will also host monthly giveaways for everyone with a Remint account to partake in. Those will be arranged every single month until the $10 000 Giveaway is finished.

We hope you will enjoy our giveaway and we want to thank each and everyone of you for being patient prior to launch.

Jon Fojut, Somtoochukwu Okoye and 13 other users have reacted to this post.
Jon FojutSomtoochukwu OkoyeUba GodwinАлександр ШенцовAnri AnrianМурад СуфирамазановSAMIR KUMAR CHOWDHURYSOFYAN GADBahram Ganjali dashtiMohammed BoudissaAbdullah AlattasMdsalimmahmud MdsalimmahmudMark WaiteSabiou SahirouEphraim Okputu

How are going to get it

Дякуємо! Ми вже у справі.

Как будут производить выплаты? И есть ли какие-то ограничения для участия в розыгрыше?

Abduljaleel hamoodisohly and Hendi Suratman have reacted to this post.
Abduljaleel hamoodisohlyHendi Suratman
Quote from Oluyemi Adeola on 17 January, 2022, 18:33

How are going to get it

By achieving as many tasks as possible on the giveaway page. The more taks done, the higher chans of winning.

Quote from Anri Anrian on 22 January, 2022, 07:35

Дякуємо! Ми вже у справі.

Quote from Мурад Суфирамазанов on 23 January, 2022, 10:52

Как будут производить выплаты? И есть ли какие-то ограничения для участия в розыгрыше?

English please

Abduljaleel hamoodisohly and Hendi Suratman have reacted to this post.
Abduljaleel hamoodisohlyHendi Suratman

Good Project

Anton Broman and Simo Bassit have reacted to this post.
Anton BromanSimo Bassit
Kutipan dari Anton Broman pada 17 Januari 2022, 11:43

Halo Pengingat! Saya senang mengumumkan bahwa Hadiah $ 10.000 SEKARANG aktif dan berjalan di situs web kami. Anda dapat mengikuti kompetisi dengan mengunjungi menu situs web kami atau dengan mengklik tautan berikut: Untuk mengakses semua tugas yang tersedia, Anda harus masuk dengan memilih salah satu dari lima opsi masuk.

Kompetisi ini akan berlangsung hingga akhir tahun. Sementara itu, tim Remint juga akan menyelenggarakan hadiah bulanan untuk semua orang yang memiliki akun Remint untuk ikut serta. Itu akan diatur setiap bulan hingga Hadiah $ 10.000 selesai.

Kami harap Anda akan menikmati giveaway kami dan kami ingin berterima kasih kepada Anda semua karena telah bersabar sebelum peluncuran.


berbagi kode remint denganku: AQVGY1XA

haider al obaidi has reacted to this post.
haider al obaidi

I'm so excited


Anton Broman has reacted to this post.
Anton Broman

It's a great project. I wish you great success.

Anton Broman and Mdsalimmahmud Mdsalimmahmud have reacted to this post.
Anton BromanMdsalimmahmud Mdsalimmahmud
Quote from Anton Broman on 17 January, 2022, 11:43

Hello Reminters! I'm pleased to announce that the $10 000 Giveaway is NOW up and running on our website. You can enter the competition by visiting our websites menu or by clicking on the following link: In order to access all tasks available, you need to sign in choosing one of five sign-in options.

The competition will run until the end of the year. In the meanwhile, the Remint team will also host monthly giveaways for everyone with a Remint account to partake in. Those will be arranged every single month until the $10 000 Giveaway is finished.

We hope you will enjoy our giveaway and we want to thank each and everyone of you for being patient prior to launch.

Rimont is not an electronic currency. Rimont is a new world economy

Uploaded files:
  • FZKitGIXoAE47pe.jpg
Taif Tasin has reacted to this post.
Taif Tasin

Hello. Do we have a Discord group by any chance? Thanks.

Taif Tasin has reacted to this post.
Taif Tasin

We have no Discord group as of now, we have Telegram groups for those interested.

Mohamed Chbaro, Joël Gandohounto and Taif Tasin have reacted to this post.
Mohamed ChbaroJoël GandohountoTaif Tasin

4 new tasks (total of 7 entries/tickets) have been added since yesterday. Here is the link to join the Giveaway:

YEVHEN SHAPOVALOV and Taif Tasin have reacted to this post.

N'hésitez pas à télécharger l'application Pour commencer le minage du remint

Taif Tasin has reacted to this post.
Taif Tasin



Combien de tâches devrons nous accomplir pour mettre la chance de notre côté ?

Quote from Sabiou Sahirou on 8 November, 2022, 17:20

Combien de tâches devrons nous accomplir pour mettre la chance de notre côté ?

I would suggest at least 5 tasks. 15 tasks, however, give a 300% higher chance to win.

Mohammed Boudissa and Marieta Karadimova have reacted to this post.
Mohammed BoudissaMarieta Karadimova

I do not get tasks

Do you know how we can withdraw this month

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