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How it all will function in real world?

I am wondering how the Team will implement the idea of buying/renting homes into real life? What will be estimated value of coin? Which markets will they conquer? What is the actual situation? What are the chances? What other futures are they working for? So many questions without the answers? Hope soon will get all the answers and together will built something huge🏠🏡

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dergah Şen

We will eventually launch the real estate platform for the purpose of connecting people who want to buy or sell real estate properties, using cryptocurrency as the only currency tradable, with Remint as the main currency. In addition, it will also be possible to rent or rent out properties, making it a suitable platform for everyone's needs in the real estate market.

The value upon launch is difficult to estimate, and the future value is also problematic to foresee. However, our team is not satisfied before one single Remint coin equals a few USD, even due we always will strive to enhance its worth and never settle, no matter the acquired value in a given time.

The Remint project will mainly target the real estate market and the crypto industry. However, we will also conquer parts of the metaverse gradually along with its emergence.

Of course, we can't predict the future and control the outcome of things. Hence, we can't guarantee the success rate of this project. Nevertheless, I'm sure we are on to something great here, and the project is conducted in time as the cryptocurrency industry is taking off. Moreover, our concept is innovative and differs from all other cryptocurrencies out there.

We will soon update our whitepaper to an expanded version of the present one. There you will find more information on these futures.