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How do we create more awareness about remint for more people to join this great platform?

Here is a list with some tips on how to promote Remint.

  • Share your referral code on a variety of social media platforms. Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat etc.
  • Share your referral code via the in-app share button.
  • Comment on different types of forums, such as Reddit and Quora along with others.
  • Rate us on Google play and leave a review including your referral code as well.
  • If you have a magazine, news website, blog or some other type of website, you can share our links and/or QR-code with your own followers.
  • Add a Remint link to your e-mail signature.
  • Join various social media groups in the same field as Remint, that is related to the crypto -and real estate industry.
  • Get in touch with your influencer contacts and ask them to promote Remint.
  • Don't just send out links without context, be sure to include a sales pitch on the benefits and why they should download the Remint app.

Remint Network is doing well, I'm impressed


Anton Broman has reacted to this post.
Anton Broman